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SWB issue 1975 now available for download |
Sunday, May 02 2021
 Highlights from this issue: - QSL information and SW-logs - Göte Johanssons QSL-samling, ute på auktion - List of SWL/Media Programmes in English, German and Spanish, WWDXC - RFE/RL denounces Russia?s escalating efforts to force it out. (RUS-DX # 1131) - Radio "Orpheus": a world without borders. (RUS-DX # 1131) - The history of the "Rainbow" complex in Cuba. (RUS-DX # 1131) - The Buzzer UVB 76 4625 kHz 03/15/2021 telephone conversation UVB-76. (RUS-DX # 1131) - Radar station (radar) "Duga" in Chernobyl is included in the state register of immovable monuments of Ukraine. (RUS-DX # 1131) - South Pole Station. QSL & info by Christoph Ratzer, A-DX - QSL card article published in ?The New India Express? - SSTV SW experiment "SURA". A very unusual shortwave SSTV experiment. (RUS-DX # 1131) - FASCINERANDE RADIONAMN, Kari Kallio in NORDX - RUSSIA: The last frequencies of the Cold War are about to be extinguished. (RUS-DX # 1131) - NEW HISTORY MATERIAL AT <http://www.ontheshortwaves.com/> - Problems with deliveries from the UK due to new custom regulations - Hans Knot International Radio Report April/May 2021. WOR - YouTube Video zum Thema Störungsentfernung von Steve Babcock. Via A-DX - WBCQ 9330 AM - World's Last Chance Radio - Technical Notes with Allan and Angela Weiner. Via DXPlorer - The active ferrite antenna RFA1. Reuter Elektronik - 16th Edition of the Global Radio Guide Now Available, SWLing Post - Guest Post: A visit to Museo Marconi in Villa Griffone, Pontecchio, Bologna, SWLing Post - A.M.E "Ateliers de Montages Electriques". Three interesting boat anchors - Bye Bye to AIR Panaji on SW, Jose Jacob http://www.hard-core-dx.com/swb/1975.pdf
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