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SWB issue 1970 now available for download  View Printable Version 
Sunday, February 21 2021

Highlights from this issue:
- QSL information and SW-logs
- [WOR] Feb Radio HF Internet Newsletter items
- [WOR] ITU News Magazine - World Radio Day 2021 February 16, 2021
- [DXplorer] SW news for week ending February 14, 2021
- The Glory Days of Shortwave Radio. RUS-DX
- [WOR] Hams Form Planet-Sized Space Weather Sensor Network
- Radio has lost its young audience. RUS-DX
- [WOR] Ancient DX Report 1923
- [WOR] China bans BBC World News from broadcasting
- [WOR] Sources on Cold War Radio, Paradoxes, Maoism, and Noise
- [WOR] German Radio Celebrates 100 Years
- [WOR] What we know about Radio Nepal
- [WOR] The Radio Scene on the Island Called Chatham
- [WOR] Shortwave Scene in Sri Lanka
- Radio replaces school during the coronavirus pandemic in Brazil. By Martin
- [WOR] World Radio TV Handbook 2021 B20 International updates
- DX nostalgia by Ronny Forslund
Take a closer look at: http://www.hard-core-dx.com/swb/1970.pdf


SWB issue 1969 now available for download  View Printable Version 
Sunday, February 07 2021

Highlights from this issue:
- QSL information and SW-logs
- CONGO. An update from Radio Kahuzi
- [WOR] VOA Museum Virtual Tours: Stories from Bethany
- New RX-888 mk-ii, swling.com
- TOP TEN DX OF THE YEAR, Top DX-radio club.
- Fines against Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty LLC RUS-DX
- History of radio receivers. RUS-DX
- About radio hooligans, radio amateurs and radio pirates. In Russian
- Tecsun PL-330. Full overview of the radio. In Russian. RUS-DX
- The reasons for the collapse of the USSR radio plants on the example of a
small receiver. In Russian. RUS-DX
- Joke. RUS-DX
- Give the air to "radio hooligans" - they will definitely restore LW (MW)
radio broadcasting in Russia. RUS-DX
- How to restore broadcasting on Long and Medium waves. In Russian. RUS-DX
- The most indestructible radios in the USSR, which were given out for free.
In Russian. RUS-DX
- 2021 editions of ENDBH / GNDBH / NANDBH handbooks and CDs
- The RFPI Story, Robert Wilkner
- DX nostalgia by Ronny Forslund
Take a closer look at: http://www.hard-core-dx.com/swb/1969.pdf


SWB issue 1968 now available for download  View Printable Version 
Sunday, January 24 2021

Highlights from this issue:
- QSL information and SW-logs
- So hört Ihr RADIO37 auf Kurzwelle, A-DX
- Broadside and End-fire phasing of RX antennas, VE6WZ
- The Beverage antenna termination resistor, VE6WZ
- Beverage Antenna: Field Installation techniques, VE6WZ
- Time Pips Catalog 12/15/20, IRCA
- Elad FDM-S3, via A-DX
- Magnificient FDM-S3: the Millihertz Magnifier, Nils Schiffhauer
- Re: Airspy R2 and RX888, Simon Brown
- What came instead of the Internet and smartphones half a century ago.
- Amateur radio "Electronics-160 RX" has been produced since 1981. RUS-DX
- Top 10 beautiful transistor receivers. Which were produced in the USSR in
the 1960s. In Russian. RUS-DX
- ITU - BR IFIC # 2937 Date: 12 Jan 2021, RUS-DX
- About people with hobbies. RUS-DX
- Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty (RFE / RL), which is funded by the
United States, may end in Russia. RUS-DX
- Re: [DXplorer] What to do with your QSL collection?
- GERMANY The_Times: America's radio station KCRW Berlin signs off. WWDXC
- Visualizing MWLIST, some examples. WWDXC
- DX nostalgia by Ronny Forslund
Take a closer look at: http://www.hard-core-dx.com/swb/1968.pdf


SWB issue 1967 now available for download  View Printable Version 
Sunday, January 10 2021

Highlights from this issue:
- QSL information and SW-logs
- NORDX moves to nordx@groups.io
- Radio station "Volga". RUS-DX
- Is an old receiver gathering dust on a shelf? But this is a treasure. Why
are old radios now very expensive. RUS-DX
- A 1979 BBC programme about civilian involvement in radio-based
intelligence during WW1 and WW2 features amateur radio
- NEW HISTORY MATERIAL AT <http://www.ontheshortwaves.com/>
- Rob Sherwood tests the new Yaesu ftdx10, SWLing post
- AFRICALIST is no more
- Africa on Mediumwave & Shortwave new from BDXC
- [WOR] GRA blog items December and November
- Wavescan Script Archive
- Noise from wind turbines
- DX nostalgia by Ronny Forslund
Take a closer look at: http://www.hard-core-dx.com/swb/1967.pdf


SWB issue 1966 now available for download  View Printable Version 
Sunday, December 27 2020

Highlights from this issue:
- QSL information and SW-logs
- Palstar R30A discontinued
- Future of radio DXing hobby
- Re: [WOR] American Radio History
- [WOR] 100th Anniversary of Radio Broadcasting to be Observed in Germany
- [WOR] DXLD yg finale group description
- NEW HISTORY MATERIAL AT <http://www.ontheshortwaves.com/>
- Reminiscent of Nazi Germany. Robert Wilkner
- One of the best in the USSR - Radio receiver Salute 001. RUS-DX
- "Leningrad" is speaking! RUS-DX
- Learning to read METAR. In Russian. RUS-DX
- Radio beacons. RUS-DX
- Old XEBT QSL-card from November 1935 (from the web)
- DX nostalgia by Ronny Forslund
Take a closer look at: http://www.hard-core-dx.com/swb/1966.pdf


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