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SWB issue 1968 now available for download |
Sunday, January 24 2021
 Highlights from this issue: - QSL information and SW-logs - So hört Ihr RADIO37 auf Kurzwelle, A-DX - Broadside and End-fire phasing of RX antennas, VE6WZ - The Beverage antenna termination resistor, VE6WZ - Beverage Antenna: Field Installation techniques, VE6WZ - Time Pips Catalog 12/15/20, IRCA - Elad FDM-S3, via A-DX - Magnificient FDM-S3: the Millihertz Magnifier, Nils Schiffhauer - TRUMPISMENS UPPGÅNG OCH FALL VID VOICE OF AMERICA, Ullmar Qvick - Re: Airspy R2 and RX888, Simon Brown - What came instead of the Internet and smartphones half a century ago. RUS-DX - Amateur radio "Electronics-160 RX" has been produced since 1981. RUS-DX - Top 10 beautiful transistor receivers. Which were produced in the USSR in the 1960s. In Russian. RUS-DX - ITU - BR IFIC # 2937 Date: 12 Jan 2021, RUS-DX - About people with hobbies. RUS-DX - Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty (RFE / RL), which is funded by the United States, may end in Russia. RUS-DX - Re: [DXplorer] What to do with your QSL collection? - GERMANY The_Times: America's radio station KCRW Berlin signs off. WWDXC - Visualizing MWLIST, some examples. WWDXC - DX nostalgia by Ronny Forslund Take a closer look at: http://www.hard-core-dx.com/swb/1968.pdf
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