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SWB issue 1965 now available for download  View Printable Version 
Sunday, December 13 2020

Highlights from this issue:
- QSL information and SW-logs
- How much do Russian radio hosts earn? In Russian. RUS-DX
[WOR] Asian DX Review - December 2020 Edition Now Available for Download
15th Edition of the Global Radio Guide (Winter 2020-21) Now Available.
29th edition of the "Broadcasting in Russian" Handbook, published by the St.
Petersburg DX Club, has been recently released. RUS-DX
90 years of the powerful Soviet radio broadcasting station. All-Union
Central Council of Trade Unions. 2019 year. In Russian. RUS-DX
World Heritage Grimeton Radio station -Babice in Poland
The Challenges of the Digital Age: Radio Industry Leaders on the Future of
Radio. RUS-DX
Radio vs digital: competition or great friendship? RUS-DX
- DX nostalgia by Ronny Forslund
Take a closer look at: http://www.hard-core-dx.com/swb/1965.pdf


SWB issue 1964 now available for download  View Printable Version 
Sunday, November 29 2020

Highlights from this issue:
- QSL information and SW-logs
- 29th edition of the "Broadcasting in Russian" Handbook, published by the
St. Petersburg DX Club, has been recently released. RUS-DX
- Animated ether, RUS-DX
- CloudSDR available December 2020.
- QSL: How I Traveled the World and Never Left Home
- [WOR] Dramatic Information from All India Radio - Part 1, AWR Wavescan
- [WOR] Universal Radio to Close
- Top 10 transistor receivers from the USSR in the 1970s. Radio for
geologists and political instructors. RUS-DX
- BRAZIL: Visit to Rádio Nacional da Amazônia, WOR
- Top 10 DX Of The Year 2020 (Dec.1-31) RUS-DX
- IEEE Spectrum: ?The 11 Greatest Vacuum Tubes You?ve Never Heard Of?,
SWLing Post
[WOR] Radio Nepal on Shortwave, AWR Wavescan
- DX nostalgia by Ronny Forslund
Take a closer look at: http://www.hard-core-dx.com/swb/1964.pdf


SWB issue 1963 now available for download  View Printable Version 
Sunday, November 15 2020

Highlights from this issue:
- QSL information and SW-logs
- Spezielle eQSL von IDXCI
- Middle East & Caucasus on Mediumwave and Shortwave
- How to receive German Navy signals using a sound card, or study ultra-low
frequency radio signals.
- [WOR] DXing in Aihkiniemi, Lapland
- Remoteqth.com & QRO.cz
- Rudolf Grimm's blog DXways-br - QSL Window
- ON4UN - Silent Key Nov 10, 2020
- [WOR] La Voz Popular, Guatemalan clandestine archived
- [WOR] Free IRCA Reprints
- [DXplorer] SW news for week ending November 8, 2020
- [WOR] Lecture: Shortwave Radio - America's Voice to the Pacific War
- Ivan demonstrates the incredible SDR# Co-Channel Canceller
- [WOR] Asian DX Review - November Edition Now Available for Download
- [WOR] Russia exercises long-range radio-electronic warfare on Kola
- WOR] The future of radio is real, relevant and multi-platform
- Some pictures from K9YA
- R-274D/FRR - produced by Hallicrafters & built in 1952
- DX nostalgia by Ronny Forslund
Take a closer look at: http://www.hard-core-dx.com/swb/1963.pdf


SWB issue 1962 now available for download  View Printable Version 
Sunday, November 01 2020

Highlights from this issue:
- QSL information and SW-logs
- B20 Transmission and Programme schedules by Broadcasters and Frequency
Management Organisations
- Re: [jaguarpro] LZ1AQ VDL Antenna Select
- [WOR] The future of radio is real, relevant and multi-platform
- [WOR] SDR# Co-channel Canceller
- Friendly voices: how radio amateurs in the USSR created their own social
network 50 years before Facebook. (RUS-DX)
- NEW HISTORY MATERIAL AT <http://www.ontheshortwaves.com/>
- Marine radio receiver Ramert JPE14
- The largest Russian radio broadcasters will set up an association that
will manage their single online player. (RUS-DX)
- [WOR] IRCA reprints now available to all
- Monument "Military signalman" (RUS-DX)
- A few old cards of Canadian stations we miss. From Robert Wilkner's
- DX nostalgia by Ronny Forslund
Take a closer look at: http://www.hard-core-dx.com/swb/1962.pdf


SWB issue 1961 now available for download  View Printable Version 
Sunday, October 18 2020

Highlights from this issue:
- QSL information and SW-logs
- Station news
- SANGEAN ATS-909X2, new receiver
- Trends in tropical bands broadcasting 2020 by Anker Petersen
- [WOR] KDKA Radio 100th Anniversary Amateur Radio Special Event Stations
- Kiev TV Tower, RUS-DX #1102
A device for transmitting data without a cellular connection was developed
in Russia. RUS-DX #1103
När Motala blev radiometropol, Lennart Deimert
Die RFA1 kommt! A-DX
4-fach Antennensplitter/Combiner ASC-4 von Stampfl. A-DX
News from Tecsun. PL-990x
New Klingenfuss products for 2021: 500+ Kiwi-SDRs worldwide !
Matt Blaze compares the Tecsun PL-990 to the Icom IC-R9500 on an external
antenna and the results are surprising, from SWLing Post
- DX nostalgia by Ronny Forslund
Take a closer look at: http://www.hard-core-dx.com/swb/1961.pdf


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