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SWB issue 2054 now available for download |
Sunday, May 12 2024
 Highlights from this issue: - QSL information and SW-logs. - [A-DX] Extremer magnetsturm - [-DX] Aurora Forecast for May 10. - SDRplay announces the RSPdx-R2 - K9YA Telegraph - ZachTek, Handmade products for radio amateurs and RF enthusiasts. - [WOR] Boletin del Radio Club Uruguayo - Shortwave Monthly, Liangas - Magazine de Radio, Liangas - Radiorama Number 127, Liangas - Happy Retirement to Dr. Adrian M. Peterson of AWR, Asian DX-Review - [A-DX] AOKI Userlist und short-wave.info - The 2024 editions of my NDB handbooks and CDs are available now - RADIO FREE ASIA ANNOUNCES QSL CARD #85, Hermod Pedersen - [WOR] other Australian DX News items, May - Noise gone for Perseus P22, Perseus_SDR - Russian radio and communications in numbers. RUS-DX - How Popov's radio receiver worked. RUS-DX - GM3SEK Mains Filter, Perseus_SDR - GM3SEK Mains Filter optimized for 1.8-30 MHz - A New Choke Cookbook for the 160-10M Bands - DX-Nostalgia by Ronny Forslund https://www.hard-core-dx.com/swb/2054.pdf
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