Re: [IRCA] 1120 Yelm Wa.
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Re: [IRCA] 1120 Yelm Wa.

>>This all assumes that this signal even gets built; the weakening of
the economy has shaken out a lot of marginal signals that might have
been worth building a decade ago, but aren't worth it now. 
If I held this CP, I don't think I could justify building it. A
three-tower DA doesn't come cheap, and I don't think there's enough
business in Yelm to make this worthwhile as a hyper-local station...or
enough usable coverage even in Olympia to make it viable there.<<

I agree. The economy is bad enough that even the TV stations in Portland
do not know when they will upgrade their translators to digital, and
that is TV!  The only value I see, is if the company has other radio
and/or TV stations, adding another may increase their net worth. But
with a coverage like that, why bother? It doesn't look like they will
cover any decent population area. Yelm sure doesn't have the population.
I will be surprised if this is built. There is also another CP in
Raymond WA on 1350  5/.5 KW and I don't see that going anywhere either.
1340 KAPA went off years ago, so why do they think another AM will make
any money. I think the market has two FMs anyway. Raymond has 5,000


Patrick Martin
Seaside Oregon  
"Come visit us for the 2010 IRCA convention held Sept 24-26 at the Inn
At Seaside."

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