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[IRCA] Beverage antenna

Hi everyone,

I went out this evening before dark to finally check on the Eastern Beverage. I have only been out there once in several months, but I thought I better check it before the late Fall weather hits, which rain returns Monday night. Anyway, I found a lot of brambles grown over it in places, making it sag. I had a time cutting the majority of the brambles, but it is better now. I could still do a bit more, but at least it is reasonably straight now. So tonight I thought I would give it a try. The directivity is back and I noticed strong IBOC hash on 820, and I wondered why there? Going up the dail one frequency I find WCCO at S9+25-30 DB. The strongest I have heard them in sometime and they are the culprit causing the noise. But the dial seems more alive than it has. We have had some rain, so probably the grounding is better. 


Patrick Martin
Seaside OR
KGED QSL Manager 		 	   		  
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