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[IRCA] Eclipse DXing in near Chicago (very prelim comments)

I took the day off to DX the eclipse and peak darkness here (about 85% so
not really dark) was about 1:20 pm CDT. Things were late developing as even
1 pm ID time was worthless, unfortunately. But by 1:10 things started
hopping especially the high end. I used my Perseus and South DKAZ noting cx
were likely still somewhat AU and noting the long path of totality to my

At about 1:10 1700 had KKLF's SS mx in nicely, but 25 minutes later it was
WEUP all alone.

By 2 pm ID time, I recorded but think almost anything DX worthy had faded
away. I needed this eclipse to be half an hour earlier or later for hourly

I have much to go over as I recorded the entire band for a long time. Only
things of merit 100% ID when listening live were WKJV NC loud and WZYX TN,
but I had Carolina ments on other channels and plenty of southern accents.

73 KAZ Barrington IL with a lot of playback ahead
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