Re: [IRCA] KPOJ 620 Portland is now IBOC
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Re: [IRCA] KPOJ 620 Portland is now IBOC


Thanks for your comments. Much appreciated. The same thing here. I do
hear FM stations, but most of the tourists I hear music from is not
radio. I don't hear any DJs or ads. I remember listening to Z-100
Portland back in the Mid 80s. I left work to head home. It takes 10-12
minutes to get home. The station was in spots when I got into the car
and when I got home they still in spots!  I do know a station has to
make money to stay afloat, but that is a bit much. So with IPod, CD,
cassette, streaming audio, etc. why bother with radio?  Maybe enough GMs
and CEs will rethink IBOC. I have no experience with it, other than the
noise is causes. I will never buy an IBOC radio. Why would I support
something that ruins the hobby I love so much? I can understand CEs
buying them, as they need them in their work. But I don't see millions
of Americans running out to buy IBOC radios either. 
   Even if IBOC does become a reality on AM 24/7, I think there will
still be a lot of open frequencies, as I don't see a lot of IBOC
activity. A lot of it is from CC, and I have heard they have an interest
in Ibiquity. 



Patrick Martin

Come to Seaside Oregon for the 2006 IRCA Convention! It will be held at
the Comfort Inn on September 22-24,2006.

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