Re: [IRCA] An all-IBOC BCB? What would it be like?
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Re: [IRCA] An all-IBOC BCB? What would it be like?

All iBLOC is what Toffee-Nosed Elites want. BC bulletin board this week under heading 'WBZ local': poster notes line officer/soldier class of radio industry agin' HD, well appreciate importance of skywaves a la BZ's "38 States".
Poster states Management/Owner types clang 'local, local, local' in manner of doomstruck lemmings. Idea simple: Jam spectrum into ruin. Sharply limit audience choice to a few local stations. Cheezy "iBOC rollout" receivers prove regardless of mitter power all reception shall be local - but jamming range will be great. If this isn't a deliberate plan, how better would thug-kasters do it? Makes it easy to sell local business on local-only coverage.
Many may recall one pious wretch stating we 'had no business listening to out of contour stations'. Vintage grifter-speak. They use fake moralism to put you off balance and deflect attention from themselves. Can you imagine telling others they must only buy from merchants within five blocks of home?  
At least the Mob is up front about their criminality. iBUGS are sneaks who will leave HD-Jammers on until they get their way. They think.
All schemes fail. iBLOC, despite endless clever lies and evasions recited by shills, will prove no exception.
First sign: crummy receivers. Listeners don't want to spend hours learning how to turn the dumb thing on. Radio-illiterates who think steers give sweet milk designed this kluge.
In addition to impossible operating procedure, sensitivity stinks. Best yet - according to critics - audio quality is mesmerisingly unremarkable.
Much-ballyhooed 'rollout' seems more like a cowflop. Receiver manufacturers tediously blame the industry for lousy receivers. Shills quack 'but wait until the price 'hits the magic $199 number!'  $199? For a a radio? What are they snorting?
Why are iBUGS so desperate? Where's the pressure coming from? 
Paul Vincent Zecchino
Manabugfree Key, FL
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