Re: [IRCA] Palm Springs radio update
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Re: [IRCA] Palm Springs radio update

When we lived in Cupertino (1966-68), the Santa Clara station was a local.  I understand that they used some sort of long wire antenna back then and didn't have much coverage outside of the area.  They were off for some reason one day and I was able to log (and verify) KJAY.  Also, KVRE was almost impossible from there because of KDON.  I was finally able to log (and verify) them, too but don't remember the circumstances. - John S.

On Feb 26, 2010, at 12:57 AM, Donald K. Kaskey wrote:

> KJAY is an enigma to me Pat.  I've heard them a few times at sunset from S.F.  But on that dx they performed a few years ago, I listened the entire period and didn't hear a peep from them. No code, no sweeps, no voice, no nuttin.  Yet it was heard in Montana and all over the west.  KFIG-Fresno is pretty strong here nights but I can almost always bring in Ogden, & Salem + Mt. Vernon & San Gabriel at times, not to mention Santa Clara about 35-40 miles down the road from me.  Yet I didn't hear a thing that night.  And yes I did listen at the correct time :-) .  At any rate KJAY is definitely a hard to catch station from anywhere outside of Sacto-Yolo counties.  How about the Santa Clara station on 1430?  Anyone ever hear them?  I could not hear them from Sacramento 1965-1969, nor could I hear KWUN-1480 Concord or KVRE-1460 Santa Rosa.  Had to move to the Bay Area to log them.
> Don K.

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