49 mband log of Sunday Nov 3 shows
5940.025 kHz oddity, an UNID Pirate local radio program here in southern Bavaria at 10.20 UT, S=6-7 signal. Likely tent R Piepsender Hard Rock sender from Holland ? at 11.16 UT mixed English and then German letterbox, Duisburg mentioned und ‘Fischbrötchen Essen’ strange in Duisburg. ‘Piep Show’ ID by Dutch accented guy like previous R Luxembourg 208 mediumwave presenter some 60 years back. RR mentioned from northern Europe. others 13755even new Ampegon tx at Rangitaiki exact fqy of R NZ Pacific likely Media Watch items heard around 09.29 UT Sun Nov 3. Powerhouse S=9+40dB noted 08.35 UT in Edmonton AB-CAN. 6170.011 Probably Pirate radio, smooth chanson singer, S=6-7 at 10.15 UT on Nov 3. Like Dutch accented ID’ Germany Internacionaaal ... 5880even UNIDentified pirate rock pop mx stn, S=6-7 at 10.17 UT. 5929.977 DNK WMR poor S=4 signal in southern Bavaria, pop mx 10.18 UT. 5940 see above 5954.990 HOL NL R Veronica tent. pop mx, S=8 at 10.21 UT. 5969.980 DNK Radio 208, smooth light mx px, S=5 at 10.22 UT 6019.958 HOL NL tentat R Casanova, Schlager pop mx, S=6 at 10.23 UT. 6085.001 D__ R Mi Amigo Int scheduled here from Kall Eifel, pop mx S=7 at 10.25 UT 6140.035 HOL NL tentat R Onda, then ID heard at 10.26 UT, S=6 signal. 6150even D__ scheduled Europa_24 here, pop mx in English lang, S=8 at 10.28 UT 6160.002 D__ scheduled SW Radio Gold, S=6 at 10.30 UT. Nothing heard on 3975 kHz from Winsen Aller northern Germany though. 7330even F__ likely via TDF Issoudun France 1st Sunday only outlet of Joystick pop mx probably from Bad Kreuznach Germany origin. S=9+45dB POWERHOUSE signal at 11.11 UT [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Nov 3) From: Chr. Ghibaudo via groups.io Sent: Sunday, November 03, 2024 11:34 AM Subject: Re: [bdxc-news] FRS Holland on air today Here in the south of France, ONLY 5940 is audible (weak signal), nothing can be heard on 5940 & 9300 because a lot of noise. Christian G. in Tende (France) Le 03/11/2024 à 11:31, David Morris via groups.io a écrit :
Nothing on 5940 and 9300. 7700 is producing a good signal. David J Morris Lytchett Matravers, near Poole On Sun, 3 Nov 2024 at 10:17, Mark Hattam via groups.io <mark=hattam.co.uk@groups.io> wrote: Can't hear 5940 at 10:05 utc, 7700 is strongest, 9300 fair. Mark (far SW Cornwall) == On 03/11/2024 09:15, Dave Kenny via groups.io wrote: > FRS Holland is on the air from 0852-1345 today on 9300, 7700 and 5940 > confirmed on all three frequencies with 7700 best here at 0900. > > More details at https://frsholland.nl/frsh-on-air-sunday-november-3rd/ > > 73s Dave _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/