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June 2000

SWR Finland on the air
SWR radio towerFinland's first private owned shortwave radio station, Scandinavian Weekend Radio, hit the air late June 30 on 11690 kHz.
The station was received with fair signals in several parts of Europe, despite a low power of 50 watts.
"Suffering from quite deep fades, best on LSB as Indonesian(?) speaking station on 11695. Some good peaks being noted 2250, not bad for 50 watts", reports Mike Barraclough from the UK.
And German DXer Martin Elbe adds:
"Quite good here, considering the low power."

Studios and transmitters are located in Virrat, western Finland.
"Unfortunately we had only 50 watts of power due technical problems", said Ville-Veikko Haikarainen, Scandinavian Weekend Radio.
The station has made it possible to send reception reports via the Internet. Reports sent through their web site will be verified on a public verification page.

SWR Finland ready to hit the air
Finland's first private owned shortwave radio station, Scandinavian Weekend Radio, is
ready to hit the air.
The first test transmission is scheduled for June 30, at 2200, on 11690 or 11720 kHz, "depending on interfering stations".
Studios and transmitters are located in Virrat, in western Finland. (N 62°23' E 23°37' 129 meters high from sea level.).

Earlier HCDX report
More on SWR web site

Cuts at Solomon Islands BC
Citing "financial difficulties caused by the current security and political situation", the Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corporation has announced cutbacks to their operations, beginning on June 26th.
Radio Happy Isles (5020 kHz) will cut back its hours of broadcast, ending at 10 pm Solomon Islands time (which I make out to be 1100 UT) instead of its usual midnight local time (or 1300 UT), and will begin its broadcast day a half hour later than usual (6 am local time, instead of 5:30 am, which I figure to be 1900 UT).
Additionally, local AM and FM stations in the Solomon Islands will be affected; in some instances through reduced hours of operation.
The announcement also states that SIBC staff will be sent on "early leave", to be followed if needed by unpaid leave. The numbers of staff so affected were not indicated in the news broadcast I heard.
The SIBC states that the radio stations affected will hopefully return to their customary operations as the situation is resolved and government revenues begin to flow again. (B. Cooley, June 24, via DXLD on hcdx list)

Radio Uniendo (?) new on 5855.7 kHz
Swedish DX Björn Malm, living in Quito Ecuador, have reported hearing a new unknown Peruvian station on 5855.7 kHz.
This station now has been logged by Colombian DXer Rafael Rodríguez on June 24, between 2341-0012.
Despite distorted signals, says Rodríguez in Glenn Hauser's DX Listening Digest, he could get the following details:
The station transmits from Soritor in Moyobamba. They mentioned the QTH as "Jirón Urubamba a pocos pasos del Jirón Amazonas en Soritor, Provincia de Moyobamba, Depto. de San Martín". The also mentioned José Isaías Bustamante as Gerente- Propietario.
Rodrígues says he was not able to clearly identify the name of the station, but it seems clear that the name consists of three syllables, which for the moment reads as "Uniendo la Radio".
But, adds Rodríguez, "the only parts that are clear to me are "Un---do la Radio, netamente San Martinense..." and "Un---do la Radio, la radio que está apuntando al futuro..." (Rafael Rodríguez, via DXLD on hcdx list, June 27, 2000)

Mamoré running at full power
Radio Mamoré, Bolivia, is back operating at full power on 4802 kHz thanks to a pair of new transmitting tubes donated by a Latvian amateur radio operator.
Radio Mamoré is a rare DX catch. Lucio Montan has agreed to broadcast specific DX test transmissions for tropical band DXers. The time and dates are to be determined. (Bill Smith, Cumbre DX via DXLD on hcdx list, June 24, 2000)

SWR Finland aiming at July
Scandinavian Weekend Radio is
busy with their project, reporting that the studio is waiting for equipments, the license granted, and transmitters and aerial almost finished.
Our transmitting tower is soon to be lifted and the transmitter is going to be measured by Finnish authorities.
Unfortunately we cannot make any test transmissions before July 1, according to our broadcasting licence, says Ville-Veikko Haikarainen of Scandinavian Weekend Radio.

Earlier HCDX report
More on SWR web site

QSL from Radio Yura,
"La Voz de los Ayllus"

In today´s Shortwave Bulletin, courtesy of Thomas Nilsson and a HCDX partner, a report by Rolf Wikström says that he has had a letter of verification from Rolando Cueto, "periodista" (journalist), and founder of Radio Yura, "La Voz de los Ayllus", running 1 kW on 4715 kHz.
In Rolf´s QSL-letter, the meaning of Ayllu is explained in Spanish. In plain English, and quoting an appropriate country study - that of Peru - published by the Federal Research Division of the Library of Congress,
it says:
Ayllu, a self-governing and land-owning peasant communtiy in the Andean highlands. May refer to either a village, a kinship group, or a class-like organization, usually based on collective agriculture. Although a pre-Columbian term, ayllu has been used as a synonym for contemporary highland Peasant Communities. (Henrik Klemetz, hcdx list, June 18)

QSL from Radioemisoras Ballivian
Radioemisoras Ballivian, Bolivia, transmitting on 4785 kHz, has sent a QSL card and pennant in 107 days.
Address: CP 152, San Borja, Beni, Bolivia. (Juan Carlos Buscaglia, Argentina, via Conexion Digital 59, June 2000)

Special QSL from Radio Sweden
Radio Sweden, and its service provider Teracom, is trying to improve reception in North America by adding a new frequency.
The new 15245 kHz will complement 9495 kHz between 0300-0400.
Reception reports are most welcome, especially if they compare the two frequencies, says Magnus Nilsson at Teracom HF Planning.
Reports will be verified with a special QSL-card, and a number of T-shirts will be given away to some of the reporters.
Reports should be sent to (e-mail and fax preferred):
e-mail: magnus.nilsson@teracom.se
fax: +46 8 55542060
Mail: HF Frequency Planning, Uf, Teracom AB, P.O. Box 17666, SE-11892 Stockholm, Sweden

Christian Voice leasing Darwin
The Darwin transmitter site in Australia's Northern Territory is to be leased to Christian Vision, the UK-based religious broadcasting organisation which operates Christian Voice in Zambia and Chile.
The transmitter was used by Radio Australia to broadcast into Asia, until it was closed in July 1997.
Radio Australia is planning to buy air time off its old transmitter, though the Christian Vision has said none will be available. (several on hcdx list, June 2-3)

Many critical voices are to be found on the lease of the Darwin transmitters:
Sale may transmit tensions
The decision to sell Radio Australia's powerful Darwin transmitter to an evangelical Christian organisation has sparked criticism that the new service will inflame religious tensions in countries such as Indonesia.
More on Sydney Morning Herald web

Religious war in the airwaves
The sale is a blow to Radio Australia andwill heighten tensions between Canberra and other governments in the region offended at the use of an Australian facility to broadcast Christian messages across Asia.
More on The Australian web


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